SLA02: Plate De — Fox In Closure


Plate De

'Fox In Closure'

Type: EP
Format: Digital / Slim USB-card
Releasedate: July 25th 2019
Mixing: Samuel Cipers
Mastering: Elvin Vanzeebroeck
Artwork: Lars Boelaerts & Quinten Struyven
USB-design: Quinten Struyven
A&R: Otis Dehaes
Cat. number: SLA02
Vocals: Quinten Struyven
Production: Dennis Vanderauwera

These four pieces were written with a minimalist approach while trying to portray a glorified sentimentality. Music and poetry combined conveying a search for the sublime and the spiritual through a borderline anti-aesthetic. A nebulous conversation reflecting boredom and gruesome safety in an epoch of standardization.

Fox In Closure‘s four tracks come with a printed USB card, featuring bonkers futuristic sound creation delivered through a self-proclaimed “borderline anti-aesthetic”. This comes through in the chaotic sampling and bipolar compositional thread that sees the track listing pass within the gamut of sonic debris—looping and scrambled chorale samples, heavy pitching, thudding beats, robotic spoken word.